How to resolve environmental issues and energy issues.

EVF has been studying various environmental subjects affecting daily lives to general energy policies with the keywords of "Saving energy, Saving resources and Generating sustainable energy ", utilizing the experienced engineering skill that veteran members have.

EVF also strives for resolving environmental and energy issues in deepening the understandings as well as awareness to the issues and practicing the energy saving ideas that each EVF members are able to act by themselves.


* Environmental issues monthly seminars

* Environmental site monthly tours

* Three actual projects

  1.Small-scale power generation project for emerging countries

  2.Greening project for disaster area in Eastern Japan by growing acorn saplings

  3.Future mobility project (Ultra small EV development)

What's New

"28th,Feb.,2024";Notification: EVF "About Us" updated.

"16rd,Mar.,2023";Notification: EVF "About Us" updated.

"21st,Apr.,2022";Notification: EVF "About Us" updated.

"3rd,Aug.,2016";Notification: EVF site tour

Kirin beer Yokohama plant,

"28th,Jul,2016";Notification: EVF seminar

Rio Olympics in Brazil which adopted the Japanese terrestrial digital broadcasting system first ,Lecturer:Atsumi Sugimoto--Digital broadcasting technology international collaborative research contact Chairman

"28th,Jul,2016";Notification: EVF site tour

Kawasaki biomass power plant,

"23rd Jun,2016";Report: EVF site tour

Kao corporation Kawasaki plant,

"26th,Jun.,2016";Report: EVF seminar

What is happening in China -Resources and environmental issues, in order to further mutual understanding-,Lecturer:Genshou Fuse-- Oil economist residing in Beijing

"26th,May,2016";Report: EVF site tour

Engine museum and manufacturing plant of Nissan motor Co.,Ltd.,

"23rd,May,2016";Report: Acorn greenining project

Tree planting in Kooriyama city,

"28th,Apr.,2016";Report: EVF seminar

COP21, taking advantage of the Paris agreement, in order to aim the decarbonizing society,Lecturer:Hisayuki Yamagishi-- Climate change energy group leader, WWF Japan

"28th,Apr,2016";Report: EVF site tour

JAXA Choufu space center,

"24th,Mar.,2016";Report: EVF seminar

Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage demonstration project in Tomakomai,Lecturer:Takashi Sasaki-- Plant engineering group chief, plant engineering dept.,Japan CCS Co.,Ltd

"24th,Mar.,2016";Report: EVF site tour

Old Mikawashima sewage disposal site,

"29th,Feb.,2016";Report: Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries

Energy saving month event of Nerima ward,

"19th,Feb.,2016";Report: EVF site tour

Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square,

"19th,Feb.,2016";Report: EVF seminar

Development of super sonic small airplane and global deployment,Lecturer:Kimio Satou-- CEO of Super Sonic jet Planning Inc.

"28th,jan,2016";Report: EVF site tour

Toshiba future science Lab.,

"28th,Jan,2016";Report: EVF seminar

"National Spatial Plan (National Plan)" based on Land Grand Design 2050 -the future image drawn by land planning-,Lecturer:Hidetoshi Shiraisi--Comprehensive plan manager, Land Policy Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

"15th,Jan,2016";Report: Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries

ECO products Exhibition,

"15th,Dec,2015";Report: EVF site tour

Defense minister,

"15th,Dec,2015";Report: EVF seminar

Paradigm shift to a finite period,Lecturer:Motoyuki Suzuki--Professor emeritus

"16th,Nov,2015";Report: EVF seminar

Recommendation of Peaceful death to fulfill the life,Lecturer:Kozo Ishitobi-- Full time doctor of Roka home, special elderly nursing home Setagaya ward

"3rd,Nov,2015";Report: Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries

Eco picnic 2015 sponsored by Shinagawa ward shopping street,

"22nd,Oct,2015";Report: EVF site tour

National Institute for Land technology, Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport ,

"22nd,Oct,2015";Report: EVF seminar

Japan's water resources and international water issues.,Lecturer:Chikako Sado-- Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy Office Deputy Director, Water Resources Department, Water Resources Planning Division, Water management and land conservation stations, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

"22nd,Sept,2015";Report: Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries

Shipping of 2nd lot man power generator for Zambia,

"17th,Sept,2015";Report: EVF seminar

The outlook of the ecosystem / biodiversity,Lecturer:Mitsuo Usuki--Ex-Professor,Faculty of Regional Development Studies, International urism Department and Resercher, Institute of Regional Vitalization,TOYO UNIVERSITY

"27th,Aug.,2015";Report: EVF site tour

Tokyo Gas scientific lab GASTENANI,

"23rd, Aug.,2015";Report: EVF seminar

Climate change risk and the human race-From IPCC latest report-,Lecturer:Masasige Emori--Director of climate change risk Evaluation and Research Office, Global Environmental Research Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies

"23rd, July,2015";Report: EVF site tour

Imperial palace east garden,

"14th, June,2015";Report: Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries

Environmental month Event in June,

"23rd, July,2015",Notification: EVF seminar,Measuring the earth by space positioning technology

Lecturer:Kiyoshi Goto--Geodetic Observation Center Geospatial Information Authority of Japan(GSI) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

"23rd, July,2015",Notification: EVF site tour

Imperial Palace eastern garden

"25th, June,2015",Report: EVF seminar,"How to let beautiful things looks beautiful.Art Museum must be ecological, Nezu art museum case"

Lecturer:Hiroko Nishida--Advisor of Nezu museum, Former Duputy director of Nezu museum, Dr.Phil.(Oxon)

"2nd, June,2015",Report

Small-scale Power Generation Project for Emerging Countries ,Hope of light for Zambia

"28th, May,2015",Report: EVF seminar,Future Outlook of hydrogen society

Lecturer:Shouji Watanabe--Research and Development Division Director, METI Industrial Science and Technology, policy and Envelopment Bureau Research and Development Division manager"

"10th, May,2015",Report: EVF site tour

Tokyo canal exploration cruise

"23rd, April,2015",Report: EVF seminar,Current Status and Issues of Japanese pharmaceutical industry

Lecturer:Yasuhiro Ikegami--Former president of Sankyo Co,.Ltd.

"26th, March,2015",Report: EVF seminar,Recommendation of rain garden

Lecturer:Yukihiro Morimoto--Professor,Ph.D. of KYOTO GAKUEN UNIVERSITY,Lab.of Urban Ecology,Faculty of Bio-Eenvironmental Sciences/Emeritus professor of Kyoto Univ.

"20th, Februaly,2015",Report: EVF seminar,"Thoughts about the attitude of Nation Private talk of Mr.Takeuchi, former adviser of EVF"

Lecturer:Yukio Takeuchi--Former Supreme Court Justice, Former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs

"22nd, January,2015",Report: EVF seminar,Current status of the world climate change and What should Japan do for it?

Lecturer:Hisanori Yamagishi--Climate and Energy Group Leader,Conservation Division of WWF Japan

"11th. December,2014",Report: EVF seminar,International Court of Justice ruling and The future of Japan's fishing industry

Lecturer:Masayuki Komatsu--Journalist, Former menber of Cabinet Office Atomic Energy Committee

"27th, November,2014",Report: EVF seminar,"Considering the nuclear power generation, based on the current situation of global warming"

Lecturer:Noriko Kimoto--Journalist, Former menber of Cabinet Office Atomic Energy Committee

"23rd, Octover,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Do you know the international environment friendly city Kawasaki?

"Yoko Maki--Coodinator of International Environment Policy, Kawasaki Environment Research Institute

"26th, September,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Sustanable international sea International rules of ocean use to prevent the depletion of resources

Lecturer:Yoriko Kawaguchi--Adjunct Professor of Meiji university International Research Institute Former Minister of the Environment, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

"28th, August,2014",Report: EVF seminar,The current state of global warming and Abnormal weather

Lecturer:Yuki Togawa--Global Warming Information Officer of Tokyo District Meteorological Observatory

"24th, July,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Current statusand future vision of Japan's geothermal power generation

Lecturer:Kasumi Yasukawa--Chief researcher of Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

"26th, June,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Some thoughts for Future vision of Japan

Lecturer:Shoji Watanabe--Research and Development Division Director Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau

"22nd, May,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Capital directly under Earthquake will occur? Possibility of Mt'Fuji Eruption

Lecturer:Mikio Satomura--Director of Kanagawa Hot Springs Research Institute, Sizioka university Professor emeritus

"24th, April,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Status and future vision of world Horticulture

Lecturer:Yoshiaki Tomita--President of Tomita technologies,.Ltd.

"27th, March,2014",Report: EVF seminar,What will accelerate the EV diffusion.

Lecturer:Masato Inoue--Senior staff manager of Nissan global design center

"27th, Februaly,2014",Report: EVF seminar,Research and development of Renewable energy at Fukushima site

Lecturer:Yoshio Owadano--Director-General, Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, Director,Renewable Energy Reserch Center of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)

"30th, January,2014",Report: EVF seminar,What is the Shale revolution?

Lecturer:Ken Ihara--Senior Research Fellow of Oil, Gas and metal mineral resources Structure

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